Online or In-Store? Make This a Very Merry Shopping Season

 Monty Wyne

With the holidays just around the corner, will shoppers be heading for their favorite retail stores? Or will they be staying in the comfort of home, shopping onilne? According to one recent survey, 90 percent say they will shop in-store this year. Another says fewer than a quarter of their respondents will head to their favorite stores. What are this season’s retailers to do?

Before we share some helpful insights, here are a few bright spots when it comes to this year’s holiday shopping. Spending will increase by 5.0% over last year and the average amount spent will be $1,250 each. Plus, a large majority of shoppers will begin their holiday shopping long before we sit down to Thanksgiving dinner. With that said, here’s what retailers can do to make this holiday shopping season a success, whether it's online or in-store.

Discounts and Value Are Key

Given the rise in inflation and the increase in everyday prices from gas to groceries, this year’s customer is looking for value and discounts. They are scrutinizing, searching for the best deals. Some spend up to four hours researching a product or service before deciding whether or not to buy it. The upside? Those retailers who offer customers holiday discounts early and sustain them throughout the season will enjoy a continuous increase in sales.

Shoppers Return to Stores

This year more and more customers are returning to in-store shopping. What’s the reason for this change? Shoppers want a chance to take a close look at products prior to making a purchase, ensuring they are getting the most for their money. They also want the chance to enjoy the ambiance, that unique holiday experience of shopping in-store. It brings an added sense of meaning to this special season.

Online Shopping Still In

Almost 57 percent of this year’s consumers will shop online. Therefore, you want to make sure customers visit your website often. An intuitive, convenient, and personalized experience is essential. Even those customers who shop in-store will begin to look, and research their gift buying online. Don’t overlook AR or augmented reality. It gives shoppers the opportunity to view three-dimensional images of products in a real-life environment. According to recent research, some 42 percent said it was incentive to buy.

The Best Things in Retail Are Free

Want to incentivize online shopping and encourage purchases at the same time? Try free shipping. It’s the perk 45 percent of online customers look for. And, we might add, that not offering a free shipping option can be a deal breaker when it comes to buying a holiday gift. This option is so attractive to your customers that one in three will skip purchasing their gift if you don’t offer it to them.

Want to find out more about increasing sales this holiday season and those that lie ahead? Get in touch with John Wagoner, Maycreate’s account supervisor. He’s here to help and can be reached at (423) 634.0123. And from the Maycreate Team, we wish each of you a very Happy Holiday Season!