SEO Is Always Evolving! Are You?

 Monty Wyne

How has the vast search landscape changed in the last decade? Quite a bit.

There are very few marketing channels that have evolved as rapidly and quickly as search engine optimization or SEO. You may remember the early years, when SEO was all about stuffing keywords and fine tuning website code, all in the interest of ranking. Thanks to Google, that’s no longer the case.The secret to making sure your site is seen? Content!

Google has continued to clarify what’s defined as worthwhile content. The search engine bots have confirmed that those sites which produce the “best and most valuable content”stand out and are the first to be found in today’s competitive world of SEO.

Another big change is “Local Search,”which is an increasingly effective way to market your local business online. It helps you promote your products or services to your local customers at the moment they are searching for them online.Some 46% of all searches have a “local intent.” The key is determining when a search has purchase intentions. Any search that contains business suggestions or a list referring to locations will lead to SERPs or local search engine results pages.

These local SERPs will bring potential customers to your website or, better yet, to your doors. This advantageous visibility is known as a ‘local pack’ or ‘3-pack,’ which is a list of businesses that appear beneath a map identifying your specific location. This page will also contain opening times, review ratings, even photos.

These are just a few of the many important changes taking place in SEO. Changes that we continually follow so we can build websites that ensure positive results for our clients. If you’d like to know more about our approach, email Brian May, president & executive creative director at, or John Wagoner, brand strategist & account supervisor,at