This Holiday Shopping Season...Don't Discount the Discount

 Monty Wyne

Want to keep the Happy in Happy Holiday Shopping this year? In a word, discounts. Your customers are watching their wallets and pocketbooks this shopping season. Show shoppers you’re watching out for them by offering attractive pricing on your merchandise.

Value Versus Emotion

In the past, emotional messaging has been the key to opening hearts and pocketbooks during the holidays. Not this year. Value is the key to attracting this season’s Holiday shoppers. It’s time to demonstrate that you appreciate their business, as well as their concerns about the current economic uncertainty.

That said, there’s one thing you want to be sure your customers understand. The discounts or bargains you are offering them now will not be offered later in the season at even greater discounts. This approach to messaging will ensure your customers are receiving the best deal on their purchases right now. 

Time to Set Sale?

This is the year retailers will be competing with their counterparts through big sales events. Look for unexpected ways to capture shoppers’ attention. Change up your typical messaging, differentiating your retail store from other competitors. Compete with genuine, authentic messaging and stage your sales events early.

As far as ideas for staging unusual sales events, how about a “Below Freezing Special Offer?” When temps drop below 32 degrees, drop the price on certain merchandise 32 percent. about a themed holiday promotion on social media like the “12 Days of Christmas Giveaways?” Create an easy-to-enter set of rules. Decide what items you’ll give away. And how winners will be announced.

Inventories Are Up, And So Are Prices

At this time last year, retailers were contending with the supply chain. Top that with labor shortages, pandemic delays, and increased shipping costs and it was all store owners could do to get merchandise on shelves before the prime fourth quarter. This year it’s a different story.

Supply chain isn’t an issue, and many retailers have good inventories. Prices, however, are higher due to inflation, which means shoppers may purchase fewer items. All the more reason to stage timely and well-planned, themed sales events, such as, “Ho, Ho, Ho...Savings To Go,” or “The Happiest Holidays’ Sale.”

The Turnaround on Returns

Returns have been a costly challenge for retailers. This is especially true with the increase in online shopping. According to some estimates, between 20 to 30 percent of all sales are returned, while in-store shopping is half that amount. To control the cost, retailers are amending their return policies.

In some cases, time frames are being lowered from 60 to 30 days. There are others who have limited their policies to in-store credits only. If you’re changing your policy, transparency is a must. Ensure that this information can easily be found in-store or online at your website.

Want to find out more about increasing the reach and effectiveness of your holiday marketing and messaging? Get in touch with John Wagoner, Maycreate’s account supervisor. He’s here to help and can be reached at (423) 634.0123. In the meantime, Maycreate’s Team wishes each of you a very Happy Holiday Season!