Meet Ian Lewis

 Monty Wyne

Ian was born in Oklahoma City. Edmond to be exact. He was always drawing and building things with Legos as a boy. He was a natural when it came to being creative, generating unexpected ideas. Ian is also into music. Grew up being a drummer. Given his talent, it makes perfect sense he’d end up pursuing a creative career.

Ian’s first trip to Chattanooga was after high school. He was going to attend the University of Tennessee, but things changed course, and he took a break to work in the service industry, putting money aside for college. Wasn’t long before he discovered the perfect path to a degree in graphic design at Chattanooga State. One that provided the opportunity for him to begin working right out of school.

 Speaking of work, Ian has always had a very strong work ethic. This led to some unique opportunities in school, like TISL, the Tennessee Intercollegiate State Legislature. There he spent long weekends working with the state senate and house in Nashville on legislative matters. When asked how he was referred to, Ian laughed, “Just call me Senator Lewis.” He’s sure his uniquely designed resume got him the job. “It was kinda funky,” Ian said.

Moving to Chattanooga was a surprising revelation to him. The great outdoors was suddenly his backyard. It opened the door to kayaking, hiking, rock climbing, mountain biking, and Mother Nature. Here was the chance for Ian to explore, to create, to be inspired by all the outdoor world had to offer.

 Much to his surprise, he and his wife Lexi were out hiking one day and found an abandoned dog. She was malnourished, lost. As Ian puts it, “We didn’t set out thinking we were going to get a new dog, but she won our hearts and has been a great friend and resource to Calypso, our family dog.” Ian and Lexi are big believers in giving back, helping those in need and that includes their newfound friend.

Maycreate is his first agency job. He’s intrigued with branding and its presence and influence in so many forms. “From photography, to illustration, to murals and product design, right down to a webpage, people see themselves in a brand,” says Ian. Well, he’ll have plenty of opportunity to find out. Building great brands is an inherent part of Maycreate’s DNA. Wanna meet the rest of the team?