What's Your Brand Personality?

 Monty Wyne

Is it sincere, humorous, friendly, sophisticated, dependable? Or all the above? Brand personality is a very important part of who you are and what you stand for. It’s defined as a set of human characteristics attributed to a brand that represents a specific product or service. What’s more, a well-known and effective brand personality will increase your brand equity and value in the marketplace, making it more visible, and memorable.

If you haven’t given much thought to your brand personality, here’s your opportunity to find out just how it could benefit your business in the future. An effective brand personality puts a human face on your product or service, while it defines who you are and what you stand for to your customers. It’s also a way for you to set yourself apart in a very competitive marketplace and that holds true for both B2C, as well as B2B.

Your brand personality is what attracts people to your product or service. Think about those brands that play an important role in your daily life. Where do you go for coffee in the morning? What kind of car do you drive? When it comes to ordering dinner, you won’t settle for just any burger, right?  Each of these brands has a distinct personality. That’s what your customers identify with and form a relationship with. It also creates an awareness for customers that will soon evolve from recognition to preference.

There are five unique dimensions of brand personalities. They are Excitement, Sincerity,

Ruggedness, Competence, and Sophistication. Each has a number of traits that define and distinguish one from the other.

  • Excitement is all about being daring, spirited, irascible or imaginative.

  • Competence is associated with reliability, intelligence, and success.

  • Sincerity is defined as down-to-earth, honest, and wholesome.

  • Ruggedness is outdoorsy, tough, and independent.

  • Sophistication is upper-class, charming, and refined.

It’s the combination of each of these dimension’s traits that begin to define a unique and recognized brand. You’ll find many of the above a part of the brands you’ve come to know and love. Those that touch your life in some important way every single day.

When it comes to competence, there’s Google, Fidelity, or Mercedes. For sophistication, Ritz Carlton, Cartier, or Godiva might come to mind. Ruggedness? Levi’s, Yeti, or Timberland are a few. And for sincerity, there’s Hallmark, Publix, and Disney. Each of these brands has built loyal followings and lifelong customers.

You can do the same. Get in touch with John Wagoner or Adam Bledsoe, Maycreate’s account supervisors. They will help you bring your unique brand personality to life, a believable and meaningful foundation that will keep your customers coming back again and again. They can be reached at (423) 634.0123.