SEO & Analytics

The best brand in the world doesn’t matter if no one sees it.

We are big believers in good old fashioned, net promoter word of mouth. There is no marketing force more powerful than a happy customer bragging to a friend about how great your business is.

Having said as much, word of mouth travels curly routes across blue millions of channels. At some point, the receiver of that recommendation has to find you...and then means you need to be able to find them.

Analytics and SEO lets customers and brands find each other.

SEO is an elusive combination of keyword research, data management, and gut instinct that aligns the indexable form and underlying structure of your content with the measurable behavior of your target customers. We use an array of web analytics tools to define and monitor the key performance indicators that tell us how your advertising programs are performing on their own and in comparison to your other marketing efforts.

The internet generates a staggering amount of data every instant of every day. The trick is to focus on the data that matters...and only what matters.

Maycreate turns raw data into brand intelligence.